This is a journal of my family's hobby of going on haunted vacations. We have been featured in "My Ghost story" on A&E, the Bio channel, and Subways Fresh looks series on MSN. Everything is 100% true. Nothing has been faked or misrepresented. It is just our record of our experiences. We have over 8 years experience and we all have a common curiosity in the unknown as a family that brings us closer together.
It is best viewed with Google Chrome.
Man o man this is the place to go if you want ghosts. This stay was unbelievable. Met Brian and Heather there. We used digital video recorder for first time. We stayed in three different rooms.
General David Bradford Suite 1st night: Only one other room was occupied this night.
Very heavy feeling in our suite. A/C went out. Around 1230 am. At about 0100 Kim elbowed me and said someone was trying to get in. We then heard footsteps on the back porch, I got up and couldn't see anyone. I turned on the lights to let whoever know we we were awake. All of a sudden the door handle to the back porch turn and jiggle and turn like someone was trying to unlock and open the front door. However, the screen door outside the main door was latched from the inside so you couldn't even access it from the porch. This went on with us standing inside the door for 5 to 10minutes. It stopped and I again looked around the house inside and out. No one was around and the whole house was dark. We went back to bed. A few minutes go by then we hear heard footsteps inside the parlor of OUR suite. They were clearly walking back and forth and I expected at any time for some one to walk around the corner. There were no shadows moving or any thing visible. Just the sound of footsteps.It sounded like heavy boots. Then we heard them in our room right by our bed. We were both petrified. The sound of footsteps would go from the parlor around the corner and into our bedroom right up to our bed and back to the parlor. At times Kim could feel what she described as hands pressing down softly on her legs several times. We were both wide awake. We don't use drugs or drink alcohol. It was crazy. This went on for about 30 minutes. I have to admit it it was the most shocking experience I have ever experienced. We eventually went out on back porch to calm down and stayed there till 0330 in the morning. The kids just slept through the whole thing.
Brian and Heather stayed in Caretakers cottage the 1st night. Heather heard little girl's laughter and later footsteps on the porch. They left to for New Orleans and catch a plane the next day.
Judge Clarke Woodruff Suite 2nd night: We were very tired and got back late. We went to sleep early. Noise outside door woke Kim and I up at 3a.m., but we didn't find what it was and it didn't repeat after we woke. We had no other activity.
Caretaker's Cottage 3rd night:
The whole plantation was vacant except us this night VERY VERY quiet and spooky.
I saw apparition of man dressed in mid 1800’s clothes and wide brim hat “looked like confederate officers uniform with string tie” on porch. The apparition was gray and almost completely see-through. Almost like it was made of smoke or fog but it was very detailed. I was in such shock when I saw it I jumped up and it was gone. It was quite and experience, what really stays with me is the recognition in his eyes when we made eye contact. I could tell he saw me and realized I saw him. But he was expressionless other than that. We had massive EMF spikes inside with no source that moved around the room, then dissipated. We heard footsteps on porch almost all night. Water faucet in bathroom turned on full blast by itself while we were leaving.
In retrospect we should have done more ghost hunting
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